
But God Remembered by Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
But God Remembered by Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso

These stories invite children of all ages and all faiths to remember, and to bring their own faith to life.With vivid prose and lush, full-color illustrations, this storybook introduces:Lillith, the first woman in the Garden of Eden, according to an ancient legend, shows her determination to have men and women treat each other as equals.Serach the musician, who, with her song, reveals to her grandfather Jacob that his son Joseph is still alive, and whose courage to speak out heals the wrongs of another generation.Bityah, who draws the baby Moses from the Nile and with a mother's bravery encourages him to become who he will be, proving that taking a risk to do what's right can change the world.Daughters of Z, who struggle against discrimination with great daring―and extraordinary results. This lively collection of four stories is a modern reclaiming of the Bible, a celebration of courageous and wise women from ancient tradition. But God Remembered: Stories of Women from Creation to the Promised Land by Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Bethanne Andersen (Illustrator) Paperback 8.99 Paperback 8.99 eBook 7. same name from the book But God Remembered: Stories of Women from Creation to the Promised Land written by local Rabbi and writer Sandy Eisenberg Sasso. Sasso continues to work with her cohort of fellow first women rabbis from the Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox movements, speaking about their experiences.A lively collection of stories that gives voices and names to women from biblical and ancient times whom we seldom remember. She has also written resources for parents and a book on midrash.

But God Remembered by Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso

A prolific writer, Sasso has written a number of Jewish children’s books, winning Publisher’s Weekly’s Best Book of the Year Award for But God Remembered: Stories of Women from Creation to the Promised Land in 1995 and A Prayer for the Earth in 1996. Sandy and Dennis Sasso became the joint leaders of Congregation Beth-El Zedeck in Indianapolis in 1977, where Sandy served until her retirement in 2013. But God Remembered : Stories of Women from Creation to the Promised Land.

But God Remembered by Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso

Sasso, who graduated from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in 1974, had the added distinction of being half of the first rabbinic couple (with her husband, Rabbi Dennis Sasso) and the first rabbi to experience motherhood after the birth of her oldest child, David, in 1976. Shop for Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso Bethanne Andersen Bible Stories for Kids.

But God Remembered by Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso

The first woman rabbi ordained by the Reconstructionist movement, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso has used her career as an award-winning author to change how children and adults think about women in Jewish tradition.

But God Remembered by Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso