K Webster is a USA Today Bestselling author. See what others are saying! You can sign up at /bossup If transitioning from hobby writer to business owner is one of the challenges that’s keeping you from making 6-figures as an indie author, then you’ll definitely want to come check out the 12-week Boss Up program where you’ll learn exactly what you need to do to become an empowered, 6-figure indie author. K Webster’s best advise for new authors.Get insight into how K Webster is so prolific with her writing!.Find out her favorite quote from a famous movie director that pertains to her writing process.Learn how her darkest moments as an indie author were turned for the better with community.Find out which of her books is “too wild” for Amazon, but still sells EVERY DAY.Learn how her readers were what encouraged her to find her niche.Original genre was contemporary romance, but genres grew from there.Learn what makes K Webster’s stories so unique.Find out if she is a “pantser” or a “plotter.”.Webster talks about her official start to her author journey Here are just a few of the things we touched on: Webster, you’ll learn how the one of the biggest setbacks helped her to persevere and find herself and her new “writing skin.” You’ll also learn what makes her novels so unique, and why Amazon banned one of her books for being way “too wild” for the platform.